Carmen Fortuna, es a clinical therapist with nine years of experience in the area of Mental Health. With a master’s degree in Education/Mental Health and Trauma Specialist. She specializes in individual, couples, and family therapy.

Carmen Fortuna, es una clinician con nueve años de experiencia en el area de la Salud Mental con una especialidad en traumas. Se especializa en terapias clinica individual, de parejas y de familia.


My name is Carmen Fortuna

 I am a believer in Jesus Christ. In my daily work with couples, I have been able to see the frustration that surround them in their relationship due to difficulties in the sexual area. Some of these difficulties are erectile dysfunction, difficulties with orgasm, pain during sexual intercourse, pornography, low sexual desire, and premature ejaculation, among others.

I am training under the tutelage of the experienced sexologist and excellent teacher, Dr. Jennifer Konzen, two time nationally award-winning sexuality researcher and author of the book “The Art of Intimate Marriage”. Under her supervision, I am here to educate you and provide you with techniques that will improve your relationship and your sexual development with your partner. I am also working towards becoming certified as a sex therapist through the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.

My passion is to help couples like you to solve any conflict and problem that is painful in their relationship. I am more than happy to work with you so that you can obtain the healthy sexuality within a Christian marriage that you both desire. Do not hesitate to locate me, I am at your service.

Soy una creyente en Jesucristo.  En mi trabajo diario con parejas he podido ver las frustraciones que les envuelve en su relacion por las dificultades en el area sexual. Algunas de esas dificultades son las disfuncion erectil,  dificultades con el orgasmo, dolor durante las relaciones sexuales, la pornografia, bajo deseo sexual, eyaculacion precoz, entre otras.

Estoy entenando bajo la tutela de la experimentada sexologa y excelente profesora, Dra. Jennifer Konzen, dos veces ganadora del premio Nacional de Investigacion Sexual y autora del libro “El Arte del Matrimonio Intimo”. Bajo su supervision estoy aquí para educarte y facilitarte tecnicas que van a mejorar tu relacion y tu desenvolvimiento sexual con tu pareja.

Tambien estoy trabajando para obtener la certificacion como terapeuta sexual a traves de la Junta Estadounidiense de Terapeutas Cristianos.

Mi pasion es ayudar a parejas como ustedes a resolver cualquier conflicto y problema que sea doloroso en su relacion. Estoy mas que feliz de trabajar con usted para que pueda obtener la sexualidad saludable dentro del matrimonio cristiano que ambos desean. No dudes en localizarme, estoy a la orden.

Contact Carmen at:

With more than 10 years in the field, you’ll get the treatment you need. 
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor
You’ll receive complete documentation for full insurance compliance.
My office is easily accessible and open to any who desire help with their marriage.
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